Chatty Woman

This week I have managed to secure more interviews for my project.  After a conversation with a woman who heads up DASH ARTS a disability arts organisation based in the midlands I have been put in touch with an artist who has exhibited at the TATE MODERN, TATE LIVERPOOL and more high end galleries called Tanya Raabe-Webber.

Between 2010-12 she created a series on work called Revealing Culture: HEAD ON in which she painted nude portraits of famous or culturally relevant people, mostly inside the Tate’s.  However some of her subjects were not strictly speaking nude.  As I am planning on photographing adults with disability in a state of undress or with risqué clothing I am interested to hear her speak about her work in more depth than I have been able to find out about it.

I have also approached artist Liz Crow about her work, she has had her work seen all over the UK and even appeared on Trafalgar Square’s Forth Plinth.


Next week I am due to speak with artists Jon Adams and Rosamund Smears about their work and the affect their sensory issues has on this.   I have also got Jo Grace, who has been working on the Structured Sensory Art Project to agree to speak to me about her work, however this may just be through an email owing to her very busy schedule.  I am very grateful to her but I am concerned that I will not be able to ask all the questions I want to due to wanting her to answer my questions and not be put off by answering what is essentially an essay.




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