A Sepsis Death
The screaming and the crying
The writhing round in pain
The praying for a reprieve
Before the hurting starts again
The tilted beds, injected drugs
The nurses taking care
Concern on doctors faces
And the complete, utter despair
Of watching someone that you love
Slowly, in agony depart
This world and your family
Of which they were a part
Then comes hallucinations
And the begging for a stop
The hyperventilation
As their brow you mop
And then the welcome faces
Of loved ones ready passed
Come to usher them now home
Where they’ll be safe at last
And in those final moments
You hold on tighter still
And you feel such huge emotions
More than you want to feel
Then finally it happens
As their last breath they take
And there’s so much more to tell them
But now it is too late
And so you look on lovingly
And you say your last good-bye
And you want the world stop turning
But it doesn’t though you try
Then there is that moment
When their essence finally ascends
And all the things you knew before
Are brought to an abrupt — end.