This project uses a festival as an allegory for the transient nature of our existence.  To create the project I attained the permission of the organisers to photograph the set up of the festival; during the festival and it’s dismantling.  I also visited local businesses; in this quaint and quintessentially middle class village and photographed them in their day-to-day running in the run up to the festival and catalogued the changing nature of the place over a two week period.

During the course of the project I took over 1800 images and am slowly going through them all and utilising post production tools on the chosen pieces.  The images below were featured in a solo exhibition at Fareham Art Trail, taking the audience through a project in progress and taking them on the journey with me.  The pieces that have been completed and which were shown at Community Action are displayed below, along with supporting pieces.


Once the project is completed, chosen images will be published in a book and there will be an exhibition of a number of the works.


transient-meaning transcience-blurb


behind-the-stage bellowhead Bratwurst caravan-of-thieves community dancing-revellers empty-big-top empty-chairs-and-empty-tables fans final-clearing-up-after-the-festival-when-all-the-cars-have-left hand-to-mouth-theatre happy-crowds in-the-farm-shop-butchery levelling-the-land martin-barre monkeying-around morris-music natural-causes seagull sea-of-chairs shop Stewards-meeting story-telling-man Taking-out-the-rubbish the-organiser there-might-be-dragons the-wizard Toilets Wickham-signs  transience



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