The following images form part of a series that I am currently working on looking at identity. The SOCIAL NETWORK featured on the INTERNET page forms part of this.
As a visual artist with an acquired disability the concept of “self” is something that interests me hugely. What happens to our identity when we are no longer able to be the person we once were? Similarly, how do we learn to identify ourselves when a developmental disability, such as autism means that our sense of self, and how we perceive our place in the world, becomes affected from a very early age?
What does it means to be us, are we the same as we grow up or do we become different people? Is our sense of self, directly related to our ability to be free and uninhibited and if it is, what does that mean for those of us with a disability?

Get in Touch With Yourself (2013)
Hole in my Art (2014) (Fab Fridge (FAB) 2014)
The Faces of Caring exhibition was held by the charity NETBUDDY, now part of SCOPE , in November 2013. I was asked by the charity to contribute an image to their London exhibition. The exhibition’s aims were to show the reality of caring for a child with a disability. They wanted a carer and a disabled child to be featured. The image forms part of my Identity series.
Family (2013) (Faces of Caring Exhibition, 2013)
Able (2013)
Questioning disability and ability. What is it to be disabled? This person looks ok but do they
hide a disability? If they are depressed is that a disability? Able explores ideas about the social
model of disability and whether the term “disabled” is valid. It does this by literally shining a light on
the word “ABLE”.
RAGE (2013)
I feel intense rage about my health sometimes. I miss being a free spirit. As I cannot take out
my anger on my wheelchair I used someone to do that for me. This piece makes plain the invisible rage
and anger that can be part of being ill or disabled.