Cardboard Coast
Cardboard Coast was a project I devised for Live Art Local CIC to be shown at Sticks Contemporary in Gosport. The idea was to reimagine Gosport town and its landmarks in cardboard. In the initial stages of the project I had two other artists, Eleanor Wilkinson and Krasimira Butseva help build the basic structures for the Millenium clock, the Lamppost and the Haslar Marina buoy which I then developed as the project progressed.

The local community were invited to visit Sticks Contemporary where the work was constructed to offer their favoured buildings and landmarks in Gosport and what they hoped for Gosport’s future.

Throughout the project, I worked with a group of home educated young people with special needs and the developed work for the final exhibition. This included the film projected over the cardboard buildings and several cardboard replicas of buildings they would like to see in Gosport, including a tardis, a dinosaur museum shaped like a dinosaur, and a fox headed hotel.