Beach is a fun piece that takes the idea of the British summer and revels in it. During the summer our thoughts turn to sun, sea and sand. We dream of relaxing on the beach and eating ice cream. Sadly this is England and this is rarely what we get; instead our summers become washouts and graveyards or broken dreams and broken diets.
To combat this annual problem and disappointment, this year we created a fake beach at Fareham’s Sticks Gallery, unaffected by the changeable British weather. This included the use of over a tonne of sand; metres of blue and white tapaulin and metres of fleece. This was accompanied by a supporting cast of beach towels, buckets and spades.
We then invited disappointed families to come in a play on our beach for an afternoon.
The idea was to have fun and to create a weather dependent activity in a non weather dependent space. Beach was open for 3 weeks in July.
